Hi, I am

Ivannie Saladin

Coding student based in New York🗽

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Featured projects where you can see what skills I have aquired while working with SheCodes

weather forecast snippet

Weather App

This is a real-time updated forecast using the Open Weather API. You can search for thousands of cities around the world and get the forecast for the week.

See Weather App
Yougurt app snippet

Yogurt App

This app is dedicated to the yogur lovers of the world. With so many varieties (fruit, texture, sweetness, milk type) it can be hard to narrow down your next choice. With this app, you wil be able to find your next top choice in a matter of minutes

See Yogurt App
Yoga app snippet

Yoga App

Yoga is a mind and body practice. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice that may have originated in India. It involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental

See Yoga App